Viewing articles tagged 'Forwarders'

 delete an email forwarder in cPanel?

To delete an email account forwarder or domain forwarder: Log into cPanel. In the Mail section, click Forwarders. For email account forwarders: In the Email Account Forwarder section, click...

 E-Mail Aliases and Forwarders

E-mail forwarders and aliases are e-mail addresses such as [email protected] which do not have a username/password as a "POP" account would.Instead, you would set up [email protected] to...

 How to Add Forwarders?

Forwards simply allow you to automatically forward e-mail sent to one account to another account. This is useful when you work at two separate locations, or have gone on holiday. To forward mail...

 How to create an email forwarder in cPanel?

By configuring e-mail forwarders in cPanel, you can automatically forward a message from one e-mail account to another e-mail account. You can also do the following: Forward messages from one...

 How to delete a domain forwarder in cPanel?

To delete a domain forwarder, follow these instructions: Login to your cPanel. On the home screen, click on the Mail section. Within the Mail section, find and click on Forwarders. Look for...

 How to Delete Forwarders?

To delete a forwarder when you no longer need it. You can not modify an e-mail forwarder - if you have made a mistake, simply delete the forwarder and start again.Steps: Click on Mail Icon in your...